Jane Campbell
Blog submissions
Off Grid Ink is looking for poetry and short prose from the Women’s Off Grid Community. By ‘off grid’ we mean women who live in vans, sheds, homemade houses or who are rough sleepers, maybe you have a solar panel or perhaps you charge up at the local community centre, some of us are couch surfers or squatters but we have one thing in common that we make our own power. If you are unsure if you fit this description, drop us a line and we will work it out. We are not looking solely for writing about the life but anything that takes your imagination.
Poems should be no longer than 40 lines and short fiction 1000 words or less.
Please submit your work by email to janecampbellpoetry@gmail.com as an attached word document or pdf. Include a biog (max 50 words) and a covering letter to confirm the work is entirely your own and that you are a woman living off grid. All copyright reverts to the writer on publication.
Thank you for offering Off Grid Ink your precious work although at this time we have no means to pay for work, we hope in the near future to be able to.
Off Grid Ink reserves the right to refuse any submissions.