Jane Campbell

Dw i'n dysgu cymraeg ar hyn o bryd.
Os hoffech chi gysylltu â Jane i gael gwybod mwy am ei barddoniaeth a'i harferion dysgu ysgrifennwch at
jane campbell poet@gmail.com
Breaking news!/Newyddion Sy'n Torri
I'm delighted to announce that I have just won the DACymru Creative Writing Award 2022 (English Language) with my poem Aroused! The theme was 'Aildanio' the idea of being rekindled or refired.
Cousin mole, who left sifted soil
by my narrow cot this coddled winter,
you rekindled my desire to flourish.
Unseen you scraped a life
from worms and roots
then lifted a gift to the surface.
Kindred velvet creature,
I hid too
for a long night-time,
emerge now to bare my face
in a public space,
yearning for the miracle of smiles.
But I shall never forget,
your dark earthworks
and random acts of kindness.
In 2021
At the grand old age of 56, my debut collection Slowly as Clouds won the Geoff Stevens Memorial Poetry Prize and is now published by Indigo Dreams Publishers: Ronnie Goodyer and Dawn Bauling winners of the Saboteur Awards for the most innovative publishers 2021. If you wish to buy a copy please click here: www.indigodreamspublishing.com/jane-campbell
I believe writing about our real lives helps improve the historical record for the next generation and in my work, I mine my life to reveal helpful stories of lived experience whilst still offering the reader something to connect with in their lives.
I write and teach this way of ‘writing from experience’ in order to involve everyone from the community especially working class, elders, Lgbtqi, environmental activists (my lived experience) and other marginalized people.
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Photos by https://www.flickr.com/photos/kitchou